Hit the gym again on Sunday and today and I'm HURTIN'....learned a new one from Kelly, one of the coaches at Vancouver Crossfit called plank rotations. You hold a plank pose on your elbows for 1 min, then rotate to one elbow, keeping your shoulder blades in-line and arm above your body, also in a straight line. Facing down, left side and right side is one rotation. We did 5 and it hurts to laugh today! Oh god does it hurt.....yeah for stabilisers!
We also practiced deadlifts both days and I received some tweaking on my technique. It's so interesting to see the evolution of technique and how it can deny or allow you those jumps in weight. Fallguy, my brother gave me some feedback about my pullups as well and I find them easier already! Look out unassisted pullup! I'm coming to get you!!!!
Sunday WOD: 5 rounds for time
300m row
10 mountain climbers
5 box jumps
Time: 11:10min (was proud of this as it was only 2:20min behind my bro)
Today we did agility ladders - doin' fancy footwork basically. I shouldn't have gone with my brother as he and the guy beside him started pretending doing the jig! I got the giggles and quality went WAY down! More practice on deadlifts today and I smashed by 3 rep max (previous 72.5kg) today by lifting 79.5kg!
WOD: AMRAP in 10 mins
Double unders - 60 reps
A far cry from Fallguy at 406!!! I think these will be my next goal... miss you all in Perth!
keep it up Tracy, that pullup can't be far off! i want to hear about it asap!!
ReplyDeleteis the only crossfit vancouver at e2nd?