I did my first TABATA workout, I had a personal best for my back squats and I did my very first full, as prescribed workout!! It was a big break through week and I feel it was largely because I listened to my body, back with a vengeance after a good break!
April 14/09
Back Squat: 5-5-5 45/50/52.5kg
WOD: 3 rounds of time of
Run 800m
Squats - 75 reps
Sit ups - 50 reps

time: 29:45min (!yeah!)
April 15/09
1000m row
50 pull ups (blue band)
100 Push ups (knees)
150 squats
1000m row
time: 27.05 mins
April 18/09
TABATA 8x 20sec work/10 sec rest (2min rest between rounds)
12kg Kettle Bell Swings - 12
15kg Push Press - 6
24 inch tire jump - 8
Burpees - 3
Rowing (calories) - 4
total score: 33

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