Monday's workout started out with handstands! Doing them against the wall kind of freaked me out - worried I was going to bash my head on the wall as I kicked up but got the technique down thanks to Jason! Graduated from the wall in to free standing handstands with some spotting! Whhoooo hooo!
Backsquat 3-3-3-3-3 (38.5/40/41/42/43.5 kg)
5 rounds for time:
pull ups - 5 reps (blue band)
ring dips - 5 reps (red band)
20kg Thrusters - 5 reps
time: 8:30min

Deadlift 3-3-3-3-3 (65/67.5/68.5/70/71kg)
5 round for time of:
10kg medicine ball run - 200m
5kg ball slams - 10 reps
3x hand of hand rope climb
time: 13:43min

And finally the forearm killer on Friday! Deadlifts, deadlifts and more deadlifts! It's funny how sometimes the limiting factor of my workouts ends up being something completely different than what I expected. For example I thought my legs were going to be the weakest part and my forearms gave up in about round 7!
Squats 3-3-3-3-3 (32.5/35/37.5/40/43.5kg)
1 x 15 backsquats - 35kg
10 rounds for time of:
30kg Deadlift - 15 reps
Pushups (knees) - 10 reps
time: 13:10min