“Fight Gone Bad”
3 rounds. 5 movements. 45 secs per movement. 1 min rest between
Wall Ball, 5kg
SDHP, 16.5kg
Push Press, 16.5kg
Box Jumps, 10 inch box
Score: 169pts
So this one was only 3 rounds. I know I'm fairly consistent with my effort so let's just assume if it was actually 5 rounds my score would have been ~ 252 points (169/3 x 5)
I was a bit bummed I had the lowest score of the group today although in comparison to my fundamentals class, I can only be happy with the results!
Fight Gone Bad “Beach Style” – Championship Edition
5 movements
1 min per movement
5 rounds
1 min rest between rounds
Record number of reps performed for each movement, each round, then total them at the end.

1. Split Jumps - (then went to just lunges to focus on technique)
2. 16kg Torsion Bar Push Press
3. 12kg KB Front Squat (these suckers killed me!)
4. Push ups (inclined straight leg)
5. 12kg KB Swing - Overhead - think this is the American style? Strangely these were my "make up time and points" part!
Score: 442 points
Full Tier Climb, 3 rounds
November 2008 = 252 points
January 2010 = 442 points! Wooohoooo!
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