All this week, I tried to use all of the emotional energy I was feeling and poured it into my workouts. Monday I kettle bell swung with all my might, Wednesday I rowed my anger out and Friday I was a quiet warrior, determined to hold the pace and and not let my "love" of thrusters defeat me.

Emotions are a powerful thing and important to express. I'm grateful to be learning a new way to express them!
Monday's workout:
Over Head Squat 5-5-5 (15.5kg)
Pullup Ladder (purple band)
Dip Ladder (blue)
Work out of the Day
21-15-9 reps
Box Jumps
Kettlebell swings 16kg
Sumo Deadlift High Pulls
Time: 8:13am

Wednesday's workout:
Deadlift Max weight
WOD - 5 rounds for time
Row - 250m
20kg Push Press 5 reps
35kg Dumbbell Squats 5 reps
Time: 11:48mins
Friday's workout:
Handstand Pushups 3x max (purple and blue bands)
8/11/6 (I flubbed and lost my concentration!)
Pullup ladder
(I graduated to the blue band after this one!)
5 rounds - each round timed
55kg Sled pull 10m
25kg Thruster - 8 reps
90 seconds rest
Round 1 1:22mins
Round 2 1:13mins
Round 3 1:07mins
Round 4 0:57sec
Round 5 0:52sec
GO T GO! 44kg deadlift??? Looking forward to more stellar accomplishments!!